About software developer's work life

February 8, 2025

It is not unusual for a working day to start at 8. In fact, by that time, some people are already at the office - most commonly parents who need to bring their children to daycare before the beginning of the working day. Coffee, short chat with colleagues - and thus begins the working day. I've noticed people are usually very distraction-resistant and focused on work up until the lunch time - around 12.00. Lunch lasts about 30 minutes, and people often go in small groups, discussing either work or hobbies.

While office has dedicated spaces for everyone, there are also a lot of smaller area to park together with a laptop, in case a change of surroundings is needed. People often bring their coffee mugs and water bottles with them. Coffee is a big thing.

If it's Friday, the afternoon is always more relaxed and focused on communication: even those who prefer working remotely come to office to remember what their colleagues look like and how it feels to use the staircases once in a while. It is always nice to meet people and exchange latest news about projects or skills. People also sometimes share their weekend plans.

The workpace throughout the week feels very steady, without artificially created stress and rush, yet with a calm focus and determination to get things done. Of course, sometimes emergencies happen in production, and require fast reaction. But those are exceptions, not rules.

Working in such an environment feels very rewarding.

This post's music

Hello Meteor - Omni-Coastal Logistic Solutions